Media & Speaking Engagements

Featured Quotes

I have been featured in media outlets discussing key topics in mental health, parenting, and emotional well-being.

I'm An ADHD Assessor — These 2 Signs In Adults Show It's 'Not Just Disorganization' Huffington Post

I'm An Autism Assessor — 3 Early Signs In Young Girls Often Go Ignored Yahoo News

I'm An Autism Assessor — These 6 Signs In Women Are Overlooked Huffington Post

Why Does My Kid Want to Wear the Same Thing Every Day?

We Asked Therapists: How Can Pets Help Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Speaking Engagements

I have had the privilege of sharing my expertise through various platforms, including:

🎙 Guest Speaker on The Autism Dad Podcast – Discussing divorce and co-parenting when neurodivergent children are involved. (Episode coming soon!)

🎤 Speaker at the Integral Beauty Conference, NYC (October 2024) – Presented on how aesthetic treatments can support psychological healing in cancer patients during and after treatment.

📚 Workshops for mental health professionals on psychological assessments and their role in therapy and treatment planning.

Interested in Booking Me?

If you're looking for a speaker, panelist, or expert guest on topics related to mental health, psychological assessments, or patient wellness, I’d love to connect.